
Spoleto is one of the most beautifull cities of Umbria. It is rich of culture, and the international events makes Spoleto a unique place on the world. It is situated at the foot of the Sacred Wood of Monteluco. It is rich of art of every epoque and it’s protagonist of prestigious events such as the Festival Dei Due Mondi. Spoleto is one of the cities that are a symbol of international culture.


Montefalco emerges from the summit of an hill covered by olive groves and vines. The city stands in the center of three valleys, the Clitunno’s, Topino’s and Tevere’s ones. It is called even “Ringhiera dell’Umbria”, that means “railing of Umbria”, thanks to its panoramic position. In 1452, Benozzo Gozzoli painted this city in a fresco which is part of the Predica agli Uccelli, one of the twenty-eight scenes that represents the life of Francis of Assisi. Thanks to the ambiental, cultural and artistic heritages, it is part of the club “Borghi più belli d’Italia”. The wines: Rosso di Montefalco and Sagrantino di Montefalco are famous all around the world.

Casteluccio di Norcia

Castelluccio di Norcia is a little town at 1450 mt a.s.l., far 30km from Norcia. It is located on the top of a hill that rises above the homonym plateau. In front of the city, there is the Monte Vettore that, whith its 2476 mt a.s.l., it‘s the highest mountain of the Monti Sibillini mountain range. The Piana di Castelluccio it’s visited for the most in July thanks to its kilometric and varied flowering of ist fields.


Cascia is a little city in Umbria, in the province of Perugia, among the Monti Sibillini. It has been a favorite destination for the faithful for centuries. The main attraction of the city is the Basilica of Santa Rita da Cascia, a sacred building known all over the world.